Bachelor's Degree

Sports Coaching

Higher School of Social Sciences, Education and Sports



Nuno Jorge Sousa Moreira Pimenta

Admission exams 2025

​Two of the following tests:

02  Biology and geology
17 Math. Applied to Social Sciences
18 Portuguese 

Requires the satisfaction of prerequisites of GROUP B - Interpersonal communication​ (Medical Statement).

Proof of functional and physical aptitude

Medical Statement under the terms of the deliberation of the National Commission for Access to Higher Education that defines the pre-requisites for application to higher education. This medical statement is mandatory for matriculation and enrolment.

Calculation of the Application Score


Secondary final average​


National Exams (25% of each exam)

Publication in the Official Gazette

Accreditation of the Study Program

Decision: Accredited for 4 years
Publication Date: 14-10-2020 
Official Information A3ES: Accreditation result  (in portuguese)

Study Program Evaluation 

Today’s sports coaches are expected to have cultural and technical-vocational training at higher education level. This course’s overall aim is to train graduates in Sports Coaching in accordance with the regime for accessing and working as a sports coach, which relies upon obtaining a vocational certificate as a sports coach. Skills will be developed in the areas of coaching, competitions, management, research and education/training, based on the ability to assist, plan, organise, guide and assess the sports coaching process in a context grounded in practice, research and reflection.

Professional opportunities 

Graduates in Sports Coaching have specialised scientific and vocational training that allows them to lead sports coaching processes or to be members of a technical team in a range of sporting contexts as specialised professionals. Some examples: Sports coach, assistant sports coach, physical trainer, scouting and statistics, physical recovery. Completing this Bachelor’s degree also gives graduates access to several master’s courses in the field of sport: Sports Coaching; Physical Education and Sport; Sport Management; Physical Exercise and Health.

What makes this course different? 

When they register, students should indicate the specialization sport in which they will carry out specific training and an annual internship. The specific training in individual sports is given by expert teachers with a vast amount of practical experience. Finally, carrying out an internship allows students to apply their knowledge and put the skills acquired into practice in a real context with supervision. The study plan establishes wide-ranging training suitable for the profile of a level 2 coach.

Recognition for the purpose of access to the Professional Title of Sports Coach, carried out by the IPDJ and respective sports federations​.

Sports Modality​

​ ​General training

Specific training

internship​ ​

Level I ​Level  II ​Level I ​Level II ​Level I ​Level II

















Roller Hockey​








