Bachelor's Degree

Information, Web and Multimedia Technologies

Higher School of Technology and Management



Célia Maria Martins Soares

Admission exams 2025

One of the following sets:

07 Physics and Chemistry​
19 Mathematics A
04 Economics
19 Mathematics A
16 Mathematics *
18 Portuguese

  1​  Students who do not hold a pass in Mathematics A (19) in secondary education will need to take a ‘Complements of Mathematics’ course unit, which is free to attend.​

Calculation of the Application Score


Secondary final average​


National Exams (25% of each exam)

Publication in the Official Gazette

Notice n.º 449/2023 - 2nd series, n.º 6 of 9 January

​Accreditation of the Study Program

Decision: Accredited for 6 years
Publication Date:  14-06-2016 
Official Information A3ES: Accreditation result ​(in portuguese)

Study Program Evaluation

The field of Information and Communication Technologies is currently one of the most important worldwide and has seen unrivalled development in some of its subfields in Portugal. This degree in Information Technologies, Web and Multimedia aims to provide students with sound skills for devising, developing and implementing IT systems with particular emphasis on those that include multimedia components to be made available on the internet and mobile devices. The subjects taught on this course, which is particularly aimed at people who wish to work on developing products and services for mobile devices and the web, covers seven main areas: 
  • Databases and information systems, including mobile computing, data mining, big data and cloud computing (35 ECTS); 
  • Programming, including algorithms and data structures, agile software development methods and software project management (30 ECTS);
  • Operating systems and networking including configuration, administration and management (30 ECTS); 
  • Internet technologies, including back-end, front-end and geographical components, location-based services, to be developed particularly with mobile devices in mind (25 ECTS); 
  • Multimedia, including content production, web design, usability and development of multimedia interfaces (20 ECTS); 
  • Security and privacy, including the security of networks and IT systems and safe computing (15 ECTS); 
  • Discrete mathematics, probability and statistics (10 ECTS).

Professional opportunities and employability

Graduates in Information Technologies, Web and Multimedia will be able to work as: 
  • Multimedia content producers; 
  • Software developers; 
  • Network and IT systems administrators and managers, including cloud-based systems; 
  • Information systems developers for the web and mobile devices.

What makes this course different? 

The course covers the main topics and technologies currently used to develop products and services for mobile devices and for the web. Seeking to enhance these skills in terms of practical knowledge and not only theory and concepts, the course uses specialized laboratories and, thanks to existing partnerships, state-of-the-art telecommunications networks, preparing students for multidisciplinary teams in business contexts.

The Information, Web and Multimedia Technologies​ degree has Cooperation Protocols, namely for carrying out curricular internships, with the following entities:

Associação Porto Digital

Clínica Médica e Dentária de Estarreja




OPO FabLab Lda




Xarevision S.A.


