Bachelor's Degree

Business and International Trade

Higher School of Technology and Management



Ricardo Vergueiro Fernandes Costa

Admission exams 2025

One of the following sets: 

09 Geography​
18 Portuguese
04 Economics
17 Math. Applied to Social Sciences
17 Math.Sciences
18 Portuguese

Calculation of the Application Score


Secondary final average​


National Exams (25% of each exam)

​Publication in the Official Gazette

Accreditation of the Study Program

Decision: Accredited for 6 years
Publication Date: 31-01-2018 
Official Information A3ES: Accreditation result (in portuguese)

Study Program Evaluation


 International Network of Customs Universities (INCU)

​​Within the scope of this Degree, IPMAIA was recognized as an “Affiliated Academic Institution” of - International Network of Customs Universities (INCU).
The degree in Business and International Trade focuses on the study of business and trade issues, with a special emphasis on its international component, typical of the historical period in which we live - the era of globalization. The dynamics and accelerated change of the global market - in the most diverse sectors of activity - poses increasing competitive challenges to companies, which justify and demand a more advanced qualification of their human resources. The syllabus of this course was designed to allow its students to know the main realities of commercial, financial, marketing and communication management; to know the different markets, namely in terms of risk assessment, opportunities and geo-economic dynamics; to know and make strategic and operational decisions to enter foreign markets; to develop capabilities to implement specific policies regarding products, pricing, supply chain and international communication; to know and apply techniques and instruments to support international negotiation and logistics, as well as electronic commerce. Graduates will be able to support diverse types of organizations in their management of the increasingly complex and risky challenges posed by globalization. In parallel, the course also intends to promote interest in innovation and in developing new ideas and businesses, providing students with opportunities for collaboration in applied research projects.

Professional opportunities and employability 

The degree in Business and International Trade aims to train professionals who are qualified to perform, in particular, the following tasks:
  • Management of sales teams or commercial departments oriented towards international markets; 
  • Management of contacts and partnerships with foreign entities, (clients, suppliers, government agencies or credit institutions); 
  • Specialized consultancy in the area of international trade development; 
  • Management of logistical, forwarding and customs activities; 
  • Intervention in the social sector, in associations of producers, cooperatives or non-governmental organizations, which operate in the international market; 
  • Development of actions to promote national production, such as participation in international fairs, business missions, events and exhibitions of products and services.

What makes this course different? 

The degree in Business and International Trade at IPMAIA provides a full professional and personal development for students, enhanced by the academic relationship with highly qualified teachers, with a strong connection to the world of organizations and companies, in the context of an excellent Academic Campus. National students will be able to contact with colleagues from different nationalities, cultures and visions, and may also benefit from incentives for international exchange programs.

The Business and International Trad​ Degree has Cooperation Protocols, namely for carrying out curricular internships, with the following entities:

