Bachelor's Degree


Higher School of Technology and Management



Joao Jorge Oliveira Rodrigues  

Admission exames 2025

One of the following sets:

09  Geography 
18 Portuguese
04  Economics
17 Math. Applied to Social Sciences​
17 Math. Applied to Social Sciences​
18 Portuguese

Calculation of the Application Score


Secondary final average​


National Exams (25% of each exam)

​Publication in the Official Gazette

Study Plan 2023 -Notice n.º 4003/2023 (2nd series), Nº 38 of 22/02/2023

Accreditation of the  Study Program

Decision: 1 year
Publication Date:  2023-01-12 
Official Information A3ES Accreditation result (in portuguese)

Study Program Evaluation 

This Bachelor’s degree course provides advanced training in the field of Accounting and aims to meet the demands of new technological and organisational settings and challenges. Degree holders in this field enjoy high employability rates, since their work is fundamental in the business world. The demands facing accounting professionals are linked to the ability to make useful information available for decision-making and to participate in the lives of organisations.
The study plan is designed to give an overall understanding of other business science fields that are very important in the running of a business and are related to accounting functions. So, as well as sound training in accounting, auditing and taxation, professionals in this area have knowledge about management, economics, law and other connected fields.
The study plan is recognised by the Portuguese Chartered Accountants Association (Ordem dos Contabilistas Certificados – OCC) and includes the units Business Simulation I and II, which allow students to engage with a model representing the business environment. These units make it possible to achieve the training objectives and to gain experience in carrying out tasks in the fields of accounting, management, taxation and other company duties.
The teaching staff on this degree are highly qualified, have extensive academic and work experience in the field and are part of research

Professional opportunities

Graduates will be able to work as: accountants, financial consultants, tax advisers, financial institution staff, senior public administration staff,
tax administration staff, auditors, management controllers.

What makes this course different?

• High employability
• Highly qualified teaching staff​​
The degree in Accounting has a Cooperation Protocol, with the Order of Certified Accountants

